
The beginning of mining and the economic growth of Serbia

The mining production in Serbia begun before mid-13th century, while its promoters were German miners Saxons. They have started mining works firstly in Brskovo (1254), the place on the Tara River, near today’s town of Mojkovac. By the end of XIII and the beginning of XIV century Brskovo grew into the best known mining and trade center of the Serbian state. It was the time when, owing to the activities of the Saxons, mines in other parts of the Serbian state were opened. After Brskovo, the intensive mining started in Rudnik (1293), the mining place at the mountain of the same name in Sumadija. About the same time, the mines in Kosovo and Metohija, Kopaonik and central Podrinje were opened. The beginning of the mining in Serbia was a great turning point. Serbian economy, which had been based on agriculture and cattle rising until the mid-13th century, completely changed its character by the development of mining. It strongly influenced the trade exchange, offering it new content and stimulus. The mines became center of trade, while the mining products soon reached the first place in Serbian export. Therefore, intensive exploitation of silver, lead and cooper, coin minting in wide issues, presence of the greater numbers of foreigners, the growth of the exchange and traffic with coastal towns contributed to the overall development of trade, which Serbia felt in the second part of XIII and at the beginning of XIV century. These were the bases for further development of economy, as well as politics, society and culture in Serbia.

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